My Individual Learning Style
School Success with Personalized Learning
“Unique Learning Style Analysis (LSA) instrument conquers the world”
Success reports from New Zealand, United Kingdom, Canada, Finland, Australia, USA…
Read about successes and experiences with LSA:
- Julie McElhinney, NZ
- Gareth Buckland, UK
- Holly Corman, Canada
- Raija Leskinen, Finland
- Gillan Anton, Australia
- Melinda Sue Zeeb, USA
People who cannot decide and are just waiting for the good things in life to be presented to them on a silver platter have much too often waited in vain.
As Andy Warhol once said: “It is said that time would change things. That's not true. You have to do it yourself.”
The VIDEO below to the right will help you with your decision.
How students become successful learners in a few short weeks:
- Respond to online questionnaire
- Download personal LSA Profile
- Discuss and interpret results with parents
- Follow recommendations in the Personal LSA Report
- Apply new learning strategies at home
- Share LSA results with teachers
- Ask for accommodating learning style preferences in class
- Observe increased motivation and learning success
If you follow these steps it is possible for students to reduce school stress, eliminate learning difficulties and improve academic achievement.
Numerous success examples are proof of this strategy.
Look here

“How you can benefit as parents…“
Your child’s LSA Profile (Parent Version) gives you immediate clarity of your child`s unique learning potential:
- You will understand natural learning style needs of your children,
- Realize the actual reasons for underachievement and
- Reduce communication barriers between yourself and your children.
If you can’t wait and want to see right now how LSA Profiles look like, you can choose from the following options:
How old is your child?
- 5 – 10 years [LSA-Mini]
- 9 – 13 years [LSA-Junior]
- 13 – 17 years [LSA-Swift]
- 16 – 18 years [LSA-Senior]
- 18+ years [LSA-Adult]
After obtaining an LSA profile, don’t be surprised when your child begins to develop unconventional learning habits that match their own individual learning style much better.
Hard to believe:
Highly unusual learning techniques can be extremely successful!

- the learning environment plays an important role?
- white light is very aggressive?
- background music during learning is important for many?
- it is easy to draw out someone’s learning potential?
- parents and teachers have an immense influence esp. on younger students?

"A short investment of your time watching this video
can change your life!"
What is a person's Learning Style?
It is the way in which a human being of any age concentrates on, absorbs, processes and retains new and/or difficult information. Everyone has a unique style in which they prefer to learn.
If a student's learning preferences are being matched with the overall learning conditions and their study environment, they become their strengths. This will improve academic performance and lead to permanent learning success.
Everybody's learning style is uniquely different. There are no 'good' or 'bad' learning styles, only situations where teaching methods or learning strategies do not matched the preferred styles of learning. Over time this usually leads to frustration, often to learning problems and in the worst case to school failure.
Do Learning Styles change over time?
Yes, particularly among primary (elementary) school pupils because the majority of learning style elements is biologically based and as children grow up, their learning styles change. Beyond teenage years however, biological learning style components are fairly set and remain pretty stable over a life time.
Can learning problems/underachievement be reduced quickly? Yes, certainly!
It might sound unbelievable, but when results of a student’s LSA Profile are obtained and if the recommendations in the ‘Personal Report’ are being followed, a significant improvement in learning can be achieved within three to five weeks – often to the great surprise of all concerned.
What is the Learning Style Analysis (LSA)?
It is an assessment instrument which determines biological and conditioned personal preferences, non-preferences and flexibilities, especially when someone has to learn new and/or difficult content. The instruments and the online questionnaires are staggered by age and reading ability.
The result is a personal LSA Profile including colour graphs, illustrated summaries, learning recommendations and an up to 15 pages long ‘Personal Report’. In the graphs the instrument distinguishes between natural (biological) and learned (conditioned) style elements, which are responsible for either learning difficulties or academic success.
See LSA for students
Our analysis is very accurate, based on neuroscientific findings and combines 49 different Learning Style elements, illustrated in the LSA Pyramid. Individual learning styles become personal strengths and lead to more motivation, higher concentration and better academic performance when natural learning needs are satisfied and met with matched teaching methods.
Read more under LSA for students.
How does the analysis work exactly?
First, an online questionnaire has to be filled out - depending on the age of the person in 20 to 35 minutes. Then the LSA software generates an instant result in about 15 seconds and creates an individual LSA Profile with preferences (personal likings), non-preferences (dislikes) and flexibilities.
The personal LSA Profile can be downloaded as PDF document – and this in 3 copies, namely as:
Student Version, Parent Version und Teacher Version.
Learning problems, fights between parents and children over homework was yesterday!
Learning should actually be fun, successful and enjoyable, but most of all, it should make it possible for young people to encounter unknown worlds of knowledge and take in new information with ease. Unfortunately, school for many students is frustrating, full of fear and stress, and in the worst they lose motivation, fall behind and finally give up on learning – following the false belief: I can’t.
That’s a pity because there is a solution that shows a very different pathway…..
…..namely with the help of our age-appropriate, simple to use but very in-depth LSA assessment instruments. They offer practical help for resolving tension between parents and their children when it comes to learning and studying. The LSA Parent Version contains workable solutions for helping children to learn in their own way – in class and at home.
But how would that work, you ask?
Through generating an individual LSA Profile which contains a ‘Personal Report‘. This gives concrete information as to HOW new and/or difficult content is best absorbed. Also, individual learning preferences of your child show, which style combinations can have positive or negative effects on learning in general and school success in particular. It's easy, and you will not believe how fast learning success can be achieved if you follow together with your child the recommendations of the LSA profile.
And how will you precisely benefit?
• Only now you see your child's individual learning strengths!
• With LSA recommendations you can allow your child to learn at home as it really wants to!
• Now you can really accept your child's self-assessment!
• You can finally support selectively your child’s natural learning ability!
• You can now clear misunderstandings more easily!
• Finally, there is no more fighting when having to do homework!
• Your daily stress about learning is instantly reduced!
• And what’s best: you understand your child better and have also become more tolerant!
What does such an LSA Profile look like?
Please click on Sample Profile, select your child's age group, and you will then be forwarded immediately to the appropriate LSA profile.
By the way:
If you are interested, you can get weekly tips on various aspects of learning. Just click here:
Wow! Through an LSA Profile I finally know how my child is "ticking" and I can give the best possible learning support!
And all that for only about 2 burger meals!
As incredible as it sounds: this allows you to ‘buy’ your child's school success.
But it gets even better: Can you imagine, in future never having to spend money on private lessons or worrying about underachievement or school failure – just for the one-time expense for 2 burger meals?
Consider this: 2 burger meals are eaten very quickly ...
... but the knowledge of personal learning styles lasts forever ...
... So do not wait any longer, make the decision now: your child needs the LSA Profile and should get it immediately.