About Us
... a really international team!

Creative Learning was founded by Barbara Prashnig, Emeritus Professor, MA (English and Educational Sciences).
Barbara was a teacher and trainer for 17 years in Austria; is certified by the University of Houston, Texas, in accelerated learning and teaching methods, studied Suggestopedia with Dr. Georgi Lozanov from Bulgaria and was trained in Learning Styles and Individualised Instruction at St. John's University, New York. She taught Linguistics at Auckland University in New Zealand for five years, before founding Creative Learning Co in 1992. Through her books and seminars, Barbara Prashnig has introduced her pioneering concept of learning and working styles into schools, businesses and organisations around the world: from Sweden to China, from Great Britain to Chile and Australia. She lives partly in Sydney, Australia, Berlin, Germany and Vienna, Austria and was a guest lecturer for Learning Styles at Innsbruck University for five years.

Marketing and Public Relations
With his background in mathematics, computer programming and IT coaching, Wolfgang has very quickly dived into our software, giving invaluable assistance in translating LSA and WSA instruments into German and creating our new websites. When giving technical support during live seminars he was impressed by educators' positive feedback about Learning Styles and the Diversity Concept. He experienced the impact our software was making, particularly in difficult teaching situations and decided to take over the marketing and public relations part of Creative Learning.

International Costomer Support (for English)
Has over 35 years experience in training, education, quality improvement, and risk management honed in a myriad of diverse public-private sector programs, government, international and military operations. He has a proven ability to thrive in fast paced, high pressure environments and deliver above the goal and ahead of schedule and is internationally recognized for his success in leading and improving multi-million dollar public, private, and humanitarian programs with several Global Six Sigma and other awards. He excels at influencing outcomes and building highly productive teams. Bob Morris worked closely with B. Prashnig in modifying the Learning and Working Style Analysis tools, conducting the first studies on how stress effects human decision-making, cognition, learning and working in the U.S. military. He is responsible for international customer support, communicating with our clients on- and off-line. As our new U.S. Affiliate he works closely with schools at all grade levels as well as with all size corporations and other organizations in the area of management and quality improvement using these tools.

International Costumer Support (for German)
An Austrian who studied mechanical engineering and economics at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and lived for the past 7 years in the heart of the European Internet business - in Munich, Germany. Since 2007 he is back to Austria, Vienna, and met Barbara in the beginning of 2008. Right away he was enthusiastic about the Learning Styles concept and since then has become responsible for supporting our European partners and communicating with our clients on and off-line, mainly in Europe. Through our new office in Vienna he now represents Creative Learning Systems in Europe and is assisting in developing the LSA & WSA business mostly in the German speaking countries. He wants to show how brilliant and helpful the Working Style Analysis (WSA) can be for business development in every company. He is certified in Suggestopedia and offers different courses using accelerated learning methods (like "Learning to type in 4 hours"). Felix is a passionate father of two children and therefore also interested in learning styles for young people. Through his technical and pedagogical knowledge he is a brilliant support for all our contacts from the northern hemisphere.

Software Development (Acronym, Auckland, NZ)
With their web masters, senior developers and application architects they are responsible for the technical side of our product development and website maintenance, as well as giving programming support to our international partners. If there are any glitches in our software instruments or on our e-commerce website, they can repair anything.