
Formation of Creative Learning Company (CLC) in the year 1991 with Barbara Prashnig as managing director (CEO) in Auckland, New Zealand. The idea was to spread modern learning, teaching and training methods, based on the latest brain research, in New Zealand. This enterprise was successful from the beginning, because the time was ripe for bringing new learning strategies to progressive educators and trainers.
Introduction of a new teacher training program: ‘The Diploma in Holistic Education’. It was offered until 2009 and thousands of educators worldwide participated in these live seminars in more than 10 countries. At the same time the pyramid model for the Working Style Analysis (WSA) was created - in cooperation with Ken Dunn of St. John's University in New York.
1993 - 1996
During these years, our first software product, the WSA (then on floppy disks) was brought to the market and sold worldwide. In this way, the foundation for a technical development was laid - revolutionary for its time and later enabled us to use the beginnings of the Internet. It was also important from the beginning on to develop a software enhancement strategy designed following the Kaizen principle (that is, to make ever-ongoing small improvements) – a quality principle that continues to this day.
onwards also in-house training programs for companies have been carried out with great success in New Zealand, Australia and Europe and with this began the international expansion of this small New Zealand company
was an important year because Barbara Prashnig’s first book ‘Diversity is our Strength’ was published in New Zealand in English and also Swedish and Finnish translations in Scandinavia were published. That year also the Management Seminar for headmasters ‘Creating the School of the Future’ was created, which was also enjoyed international success for more than 10 years. This new access to learning and teaching has spawned countless pioneers in educational institutions in many countries, which even today - 20 years later – still use these methods.
began the development of software for the Learning Style Analysis tool (LSA) and the following year the instrument for teachers, the Teaching Style Analysis (TSA-Ed) and for corporate trainers the Training Style Analysis (TSA-Corp) were put on the market. All these instruments have been rapidly translated in Swedish, Finnish, Danish and German.
Since we had already aroused great interest for our software with the related training programs internationally and had acquired sales partners in many countries, it was necessary to create a certification program to be able to multiply the training effect worldwide - without Internet at that time. Thus our ‘International Certification Programs for WSA & LSA’ was presented and carried out successfully in Scandinavia.
Barbara Prashnig’s second book: ‘The Power of Diversity’ (POD) was published in New Zealand, and it was responsible for a rethink in the field of learning and teaching - first in New Zealand, then in Australia. This year, the company was renamed to do justice to the variety of products as well as the training expansion and so Creative Learning Company (CLC) became Creative Learning Systems (CLS).
was the year of software development of the new instrument CSA - Sports Coaching Style Analysis, the translations of LSA & TSA instruments into Mandarin Chinese and the translation of B. Prashnig’s second book 'The Power of Diversity’ into Swedish and Finnish. These book translations had a huge impact on the popularity and the application of our learning style concept in Scandinavia.
were important years for the international expansion of CLS with teacher training in the People's Republic of China, a huge training contract for the US military (US Armed Forces) which was built around the WSA instrument and for which the WSA-Bio Test Instrument (WSA biological short version) was developed, as well as the translation of further software and the POD book in Indonesian and Norwegian.
Was another milestone: our interactive, fully ecommerce-enabled website was created. It was the first website in New Zealand which made it possible to buy our - in the meantime re-programmed test tools on the Internet, to generate the profiles online and download them as PDF documents. It was a huge project, with professionals from New Zealand, Sri Lanka and India. However, without our company's main Russian programmer who now also had the new role as a webmaster, it would have been impossible to make our existing software Internet-compatible. It is hard to believe, but one of the biggest problems in these early years of Internet commerce was to find a bank that could perform Internet banking as well. At that time there was only one bank in NZ, which was ready to implement this out for us - under the condition that the company continues to grow!
New edition of the POD book in Great Britain and extensive seminar tours through this country with hundreds of schools adopting the LS concept. Now we also added to your existing training programs new business and live coaching after the Australien certification .
Intensive Software Development with translations of our analysis instruments in other languages: Spanish, Turkish, Russian and Polish. Creation of a new test instrument - Golf Styles, based on the LSA tool. Publication of two other books by B. Prashnig: ‘Learning Styles in Action’ und ‘Learning Styles and Personalized Teaching – Pocket PAL’ in the UK..
Were important years for the further development of the company because a new division was founded: Prashnig Style Solutions (PSS) and with that came also a new logo and modernized website design. Third Edition of the POD book in the UK and the first German translation of the Pocket PAL: ‘Learning Styles and Personalized Teaching’ by an Austrian publisher.
Regular guest lectures on Learning Styles at Karl-Franzens University in Innsbruck, Austria. This work and many teacher training events in Austria have contributed to the fact that Learning Styles and the concept of personalized teaching and learning are gradually being integrated into school life. Also, through the WSA, the Working Style concept began to spread in the German and English-speaking countries of Europe as well as in Scandinavia, particularly as a solid foundation for stress reduction and performance improvement.
Planning for new development of our software for mobile devices and most importantly, preparations for the transition from live events to webinars and online coaching.