Home Package
- contains analysis software for three children and two adults
- is a starter pack - ideal for most families as an entry into the world of learning
- including Learning Style Analysis instruments (LSA) for children and
- Working Style Analysis instruments (WSA) for adults
- allows detailed insights into personal learning abilities and individual potentialse English reading skills are limited and who need a very simple, easy to understand wording of the questions
The Home Package consists of the following Profiles:
2 LSA-Mini Complete (Student, Teacher and Parent Version) detailed Info
based on the LSA Pyramid and is suitaible for:
- pupils aged 5 - 10 years
- but also for older students whose English reading skills are limited and who need a very simple, easy to understand wording of the questions
2 LSA-Swift Complete (Student, Teacher and Parent Version) detailed Info
based on the LSA Pyramid and is suitaible for:
- students aged 13 - 18 who don’t want to spend much time on the questionnaire
- all students who have difficulties concentrating for more than 10 minutes while reading
2 WSA Employee Version detailed Info
based on the WSA Pyramid and is suitable for:
- adults who are currently active in their professional life
- professionals who are thinking of changing jobs
- career planning and a new start or probation period at work
How is such a family package helpful?
In every family group, community, extended family or whenever people of different generations are living together and school-age children are concerned, it is absolutely necessary to understand each other and to be tolerant. This is especially true for the areas of school, homework and learning - often friction points, fraught with conflict, stress and frustration.
However, to solve such conflicts, reduce stress and to give children meaningful support in learning is only possible if each individual knows their own learning or working style, as well as the learning style tendencies of the other family members, understands and accepts them.
Learning and Working Styles are very complex and multifaceted, and can be discovered and described only with reliable instruments. Therefore, the Family Package has something for everyone - WSA Profiles for the adults (not only for parents but also for grandparents) who take care of children's learning as well as LSA profiles for the children themselves.
LSA Profiles provide valuable information and practical advice on how children can develop their potential and learn best - not only in school but also at home. LSA Profiles describe strategies how adults in the family can provide individually tailored assistance for the learning process.
Warning signs in LSA and WSA profiles:
Consider the question marks in the LSA Profile of your child and in your own WSA Profile really carefully. The more question marks there are, the greater the stress which both you and your child are currently experiencing. Interpret this as an alarm signal! It might be a cry for help from your child – react and help before it's too late! For yourself question mark reveal those aspects of your working life, which are not consistent with your own style needs.
WSA Profiles show how different (or similar) children are from their adult family members in their natural learning needs. If the style differences between parents and children are profound, insights from the WSA Profile can prevent to force children into a certain learning behavior or persuading them to learn in the same way as you do. Even if these methods have been successful during their parents schooling, they are totally inappropriate for distinctly different Learning Styles of their children.
Please note this amazing - for many parents - unpleasant truth:
Learning Styles are not inherited in general, at the most only aspects or specific skills. From research we know that parents often have a completely different learning style than their children. They have therefore difficulties to accept that children and especially teenagers may very well work with so-called ‘distractions', for example with background music or lying outstretched on the bed, nibbling or constantly in motion.
Whether we as adults like it or not: this is the way how many holistically thinking young people learn best, because they are dominated by their right hemisphere.
Lernstile werden im Allgemeinen nicht vererbt, höchstens Teilaspekte oder spezifische Fähigkeiten. Aus der Forschung wissen wir, dass Eltern oft einen völlig anderen LernStil haben als ihre Kinder. Sie können daher nur schwer akzeptieren, dass Kinder und besonders Teenager sehr wohl mit so genannter ‘Ablenkung’ arbeiten können, z.B. mit Hintergrundmusik, oder der Länge nach auf dem Bett liegend, knabbernd oder ständig in Bewegung. Ob es uns als Erwachsenen jetzt gefällt oder nicht: so lernen viele holistische (ganzheitlich denkende), von ihrer rechten Hemisphäre (Gehirnhälfte) dominierte Jugendliche am allerbesten.
If your child happens to have a completely different learning style from you, however well-intentioned advice will not bear fruit and will therefore not lead to the desired success at school. The result is learning reluctance, frustration, loss of motivation, academic failure, stress and burn-out, which can lead to dropping out of school in the worst case.
Typical thoughts of desperate parents of problem learners:
"I could learn in school after all - without gimmicks and fooling around."
"Whatever helped me learn, will still be good enough for my child."
"It cannot be so difficult to sit down, take out books or learning materials and just work them through!"
"I know my child is not stupid, but unfortunately only very lazy – his/her teachers say the same at school."
"Why, o why can my son/daughter not just sit quietly while learning like other children? They always have to move around!!" "Why would my child prefer doing the homework on the floor or lounging on the couch and learn vocabulary instead of sitting upright at the table?"
Is there a way to solve all our current learning problems in the shortest possible time?
Yes, there is!
And it is the ONLY way to clarify and clean up such negative situations, namely by creating LSA and WSA Profiles in order to find out personal style differences.
A comparison of profiles of all family members, especially the preferences and non- preferences in the three crucial categories of sensory modalities, study area and physical needs will then show very quickly where the differences and similarities lie.
A practical tip:
Start with the WSA Profiles, compare your personal, individual Working Styles and check how they fit together, how they harmonize or lead to conflicts in everyday life. This knowledge is therefore so important because Working Styles form the basis of your lifestyle in general. This knowledge can help you build mutual tolerance, appreciate style differences more and is a prerequisite for better understanding and greater tolerance towards your children. If results from the LSA and WSA profiles are openly and honestly discussed and contradictory learning and/or work needs are accepted more readily, mutual respect increases and communication in the family will be improved. However, to achieve a better learning environment at home and increase academic performance, it is important to follow the learning recommendations from the Personal Report of the LSA Profile. Only this way learning difficulties can be overcome in a short time.
Finally a question that concerns many parents:
"Why can’t all siblings learn in the same way?"
The answer is simpler than you imagine: because siblings also have different learning style combinations, that is, preferences, non-preferences (dislikes) and flexibilities that affect the individual learning behavior. Therefore, avoid to have siblings with contrasting learning style preferences learn together in the same room and allow them - to the extent possible - to have their natural learning needs matched. And that always by referring to their LSA Profile and under the aspect of increasing school performance.
Never forget:
Everyone, whether young or old, can learn successfully if they are just allowed to do it in their own way! We are all different, have different thinking strategies and take in difficult content best suited to our own individual nature – meaning through our personal Learning Style.
Product Overview

Home Package
Ideal for most households, one package allows the style assessment of two adults and four children. It consists of Learning Style Analysis (LSA) and Working Style Analysis (WSA) profiles:
- 2 LSA-Mini Profiles (Employee Version)
- 2 LSA-Swift Profiles (Complete Version)
- 2 WSA Profiles (Employee Version)
Suggested purchase with Home Package:
- 1 POD book (B. Prashnig: "The Power of Diversity")