If You Want Above Average Results, It’ll Take Above Average Actions!
by Barbara Prashnig

It may seem obvious to state that results are the consequences of actions, but it’s a truth that is obviously bypassed by so many people, and it leaves them frustrated and unfulfilled. It could be disappointing and frustrating when it comes to how we view our life’s journey, with a knowing that we are not following our passions, we are not being our true selves. Or, it could be frustration at everyday life, the small things that get on our nerves and upset us. That frustration is not going to go away by itself, and it’s not something that can just be wished away either. It needs action. It always needs action. If our current results are consequences of previous actions (and deep down we know this to be true), then we also know that to change the results, we need to change our thoughts first and only then can we change our actions. The key question then, is why don’t we?
Research has shown that 90 – 95% of what people think about each day was the same as the day before and is repeated the next day. This might seem surprising but is sad reality. And people are stuck. Let’s take the popular phrase “I can’t” which is a constant companion in many people’s heads. So, if you want to create a new constructive thought pattern, then you may wish to interrupt your usual tendency to slip back into your familiar pattern by simply putting a rubber band around your wrist for the next few days.
Pattern interrupt and new thought patterns
This simple technique serves as a nice pattern interrupt, to snap you out of thinking this thought. Every time you see it, feel it, you are snapped back to remembering you had forgotten this again… Then overtime you can create a new thought pattern which helps, and does not harm. You could say to yourself: “I’m ok and I CAN do it!”, reinforcing positive attitudes. Each time you notice your rubber band, become aware what thought you were just thinking about and evaluate it using this technique.
Fear and entitlement
The reasons for non-action can be summed up in these two words: fear and entitlement.
The sense of entitlement is a malaise which has spread over the years, and the rise of social media has made it even easier to fall back into moaning. Moaning that it’s up to so and so to do such and such, that we need this, or we have a right to that. Rights without responsibility – that’s the name of the game these days. The ideas of hard work and putting in effort to get things, seem to have become dirty words.
When it comes to fear, it could be fear of failure, fear of reactions from the people around us, fear of change, fear that we won’t be good enough, or fear of, yes you guessed it, needing to take action! Put together those fears with laziness and a sense of entitlement, and you end up taking actions which only cover the basics, if that. If you only take actions which cover the basics, then what results do you get? Basic results - if that!
Above average action – above average results
If you want the better results, the above average results, then look at others who already have those results, and it won’t take long before you see a pattern in them taking above average action. They studied harder. They worked harder. They sacrificed more. They committed harder. In short, they acted above average. There are exceptions, of course. There are always exceptions. But the fact they are exceptions only proves even more, that for most people, above average results require above average actions.
Look at your results. You may not want to drive hundreds of miles to take some photos, for example, or put in the extra effort to achieve a desired outcome - but what DO you want? Do you want something that’s above average, but you’re expecting it to somehow happen without the above average action to go with it? If so, you can expect to carry on being disappointed and frustrated.
Decision and commitment
But it doesn’t have to be that way, it’s up to you and you alone. No matter what type of learner you are – more analytical, detail-oriented or more holistic, seeing the big picture as your Learning Style Analysis (LSA) will reveal, or what Working Style Analysis (WSA) you have – more multi-task oriented or more single-task focussed, everyone can set goals and has enough ability, enough potential, enough flexibility to achieve their goals.
If you commit, if you decide, if you act, and take your actions to a level above the average, then your results will start to notch up a level, then another – be it in your private life or at work. Believe me, it can be life changing. It can be transformational!
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About Barbara Prashnig
Professor Barbara Prashnig, a pioneer und visionary in the field of style diversity in leaning and working as well as professional development. Her passion is to help people in difficult situations succeeding through better self knowledge. She is the Founding Director and CEO of Creative Learning Systems in Auckland, New Zealand.